… active as an IHK (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) training company since foundation!

As a growth-oriented and rapidly expanding family company in the third generation, Spedition Schumacher creates the best conditions to train motivated and qualified specialists themselves. The Schumacher Group has been active as an IHK training company since it was founded and provides annual training in the areas of freight forwarding and logistics services clerks, warehouse logistics specialists, warehouse clerks and professional drivers.


Starting an apprenticeship is very challenging for most young people – between excitement and confidence, uncertainty and nervousness, questions arise, and not just on the part of the trainees and dual students. It is also in the interests of the Schumacher Group that the initial phase is positive.

As part of this and in order to make the start of a new phase of life for our trainees as relaxed as possible, we organize one or more get-to-know-days with exciting activities every year. Both our existing and new trainees and dual students are invited to these events. Getting to know each other creates an initial orientation and takes away the uncertainty of those new to the profession. The future trainees not only get to know each other, but also their most important contacts for the coming years.

This year we invited our trainees and dual students to an entertaining get-together in a bowling and event center. We also took part in the Barmer Beach & Health Day together.

The Barmer “Beach & Health Day” is an annual event organized by the Barmer health insurance company. It takes place on various beaches in Germany and aims to motivate people to lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition to the sporting activities, there are also information stands where visitors can find out about healthy nutrition, prevention and other health topics.