The Barmer “Beach & Health Day” is an annual event organized by the Barmer health insurance company. It takes place on various beaches in Germany and aims to motivate people to lead a healthy lifestyle.
The event offers a variety of activities that are both fun and health-promoting. These include, for example, beach volleyball tournaments, yoga classes, Zumba workouts and much more.
In addition to the sporting activities, there are also information stands where visitors can find out about healthy nutrition, prevention and other health topics. Free health checks are offered and experts are available to answer questions.
The Schumacher trainees took part in the Barmer Beach & Health Day in Inden, at the Beachers Island venue, and were very grateful for this varied and informative day. Not only our existing trainees and students, but also future trainees and dual students followed our invitation and took part in this team-building experience.
The Barmer “Beach & Health Day” is a great opportunity to spend a day together, have fun and do something for your own health at the same time.
Our conclusion: the Barmer “Beach & Health Day” is a successful combination of sport, fun and health promotion that helps to increase awareness of a healthy lifestyle.